Why Babies Cry ? Decode your baby’s cries ! 👶💬 Discover what each sound means and respond like a pro.

Why Babies Cry ? Decode your baby’s cries ! 👶💬 Discover what each sound means and respond like a pro.

The "Dunstan Baby Language" identifies five universal sounds that newborns make, each indicating a specific need. Here are those sounds and their meanings:


Neh: Meaning: "I’m hungry."

How it sounds: The "n" sound is soft and the "eh" is clear, like "neh, neh."


Eh:Meaning: "I need to burp."

How it sounds: A simple "eh" sound, often repeated in a rhythmic pattern.


Owh: Meaning: "I’m sleepy."

How it sounds: The mouth forms an oval shape, producing a soft "owh" sound, like a yawn.


Eairh:Meaning: "I have gas."

How it sounds: It has a throaty, strained quality, often accompanied by other signs of discomfort.


Heh: Meaning: "I’m uncomfortable."

How it sounds: The "h" sound is soft, with a slightly exhaled "eh" sound, like "heh, heh."

Recognizing these specific sounds can help caregivers better understand and respond to a baby’s needs.


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